sabato 30 aprile 2011

Love, the unifying principle of the Preventive System is the centre of the Christian Vision of Life

The INK Province of Bangalore enabled us to start the day with Emmaus experience climbing 12 steps slowly and steadily culminating in inviting Jesus to enter into our life, to walk with each other and to break the bread of life as all journey together with the young people.
After journeying with Jesus to Emmaus, we shared the Bread broken by Jesus. Love which is the unifying principle of the preventive system is at the centre of the Christian vision of life. This was represented by a symbolic offering of a heart at the entrance rite.
Through a power point presentation the Sacred Heart province of Bangalore shared with the assembly their journey of accompaniment lived through the various ministries carried out in the province.
The morning session commenced with invocation of the Holy Spirit symbolically represented by the lit candles. The five secretaries of the groups presented the findings of their respective groups; the elements and the challenges that the FMA India faces in carrying out the mission. Sr. Giuseppina Teruggi was the moderator of this session. The discussion was opened to the assembly and rich interventions were made. After the refreshments Fr. Savio D’Souza SDB presented a paper on: Preventive System, our response to the challenges with respect to education and transmission of a Christian Vision of Life which was a fruit of his deepened study, reflection and his personal experience in the Formation houses. It was a moment of enlightenment and enrichment. There were also valuable interventions from the assembly. Sr. Maria Carmen Canales, the General Councilor for Youth Pastoral spoke few words of appreciation and presented a small gift to him. The participants then went for sumptuous meal.
The afternoon session was dedicated to study and discussion on the theme: “Face to Face with the Christian Vision of Life at the Foundation of the Preventive system’. Sr. Runita gave the guidelines about the Cooperative learning as a mode of study of the above theme which was done in groups formed Sector wise.
After having lived the experience of the youth world and their challenges all came together to learn from the Divine Shepherd and the Holy Founders – “The Shepherd’s way” of caring for the modern youth.
After supper with lively recreation and sing songs the minds and hearts were refreshed and ripples of Salesian joy filled the atmosphere.
During good night Sr. Carmen Canales shared the journey of the International youth encounters and presented the statistics of the Salesian participants of the World Youth Day 2011. She concluded this moment with the thought on the New Evangelization, for the transmission of the Christian faith.

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